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Financed 50 percent by Respect net 

  1. Title of the project
  • Project period
  1. Association name, address and contact
  • Association ZVRZahl
  • Purpose of the association
  • Association of Financial Institutions, Account Number
  • Amount of the request
  • Contact
  1. Description
  • Promoter
  • The aim of the project
  • Intentions of the project
  • Implementation of the project

 Project Team 

  • Timeline of the project
  • Local rhamen of the project
  1. Financial plan

 Paid services 

  • Material costs

 Paid services 

  • Personnel costs

 Permanent Employees ( in ) Freelancers (in) 

  • Total project costs

 Non-paid services 

  1. Chairman and Treasurer Signature

 Project title  «INTEGRATION – FIRST AID» Project period 01.01.2017- 31.12.2018 Promotion of Human Development (FME), Gernotgasse 4/ 4 1150 Vienna, Tel +43 6603859848       Association ZVR number 896385672 Gernotgasse 4/ 4 1150 Vienna "FME" is a non-governmental international association for amateurs and professionals in various fields ( see, "seven areas of intervention"). People are at the heart of everything we do. Its activities are divided into seven main areas of activity. FME's mission is to contribute to the growth/development of the human being  through the awareness  of our seven areas of intervention  . The overarching goal is human development. 

Our seven areas of intervention are:

  • innovations that contribute to human development;
  • contributions to good water management;
  • participation in agriculture and environmental protection;
  • promotion of energy production;
  • contribution to animal welfare;
  • human protection;
  • Conservation, review and evaluation.

 Name of the financial institution, account number, account wording, IBAN and BIC BAWAG PSK, IBA AT716000010410246550 Amount of the subsidy requested, specifying the intended use €53,000.00  Announcement of a contact person on the part of the association for the Respect NET and its accessibility in order to facilitate the flow of information necessary for the examination of the application Joshua Trust Ntambwe Phone (+43) 68864761607 Email: Fme.896385672@gmail.com 

Description Project owner This project is part of the FME association. 

Aim of the association:  With the aim of promoting human development, the association carries out projects in seven areas of activity. The FME association has been in existence since 5.4.2016 and was founded by Joshua Trust Ntambwe and Katharina Kwasnitzka.

 Aim of the Integration First Aid Project:  The aim of the project is to promote the exchange of people living in Austria with people living in refugee homes in Vienna in the sense of first aid. The aim is integration through direct (conversation and cultural) exchange, information, counselling, German courses, games in Caritas/Diakonie/Ute Bock asylum homes. These offers are to take place mainly on weekends. The association is a young association and is actively looking for members and supporters Intentions of the project According to our various researches, contacts and visits to Caritas and Diakonie asylum homes in Vienna, there are asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection who have recently arrived or have been in Austria for a long time. They have various problems with integration as well as German to learn or improve, to respect women, to know the Austrian law and what they are allowed to do or are not allowed to do. Many of the asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection in these homes are interested in meeting people from their countries of origin who live in Vienna or to know more about the legal regulations in Austria. The Diakonie and Caritas employees support them with advice/accommodation/food/German courses, etc. If the Caritas/Diakonie staff are not there, e.g. on weekends to keep the asylum seekers or those entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection busy, we want to offer a special program that aims to promote their integration. As the current situation shows, some Austrians are afraid because many asylum seekers or those entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection come to Austria. You will meet / see many asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection in shopping malls/ at the football field/ in the disco / in the restaurant etc., who do not know enough about Austrian law / Austrian culture such as .dem dealing with women and some of whom lack the most important words (key words) to communicate in German. Our offer in this project takes place in cooperation with Diakonie, Caritas Wien and Ute-bock. In cooperation with Caritas/Diakonie and Ute-bock employees, we will visit asylum homes in Vienna. Before our visits, we will contact the directors of the respective homes (by phone/e-mail or in person) to know about the situation of asylum seekers or those entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection. In a first step, we first record the situation/situation (problems and wishes) of the asylum seekers and FME members then meet to analyze them, look for individual solutions and prepare further visits. With our project, we do not intend to take over the tasks of the Diakonie/Caritas staff, but to support them with our experience and our program and thus contribute to an optimal integration of asylum seekers or those entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection. Our team consists of 55% Austrians, 15% asylum seekers who are actively involved in their careers and have an impeccable criminal record; 20% are foreigners who came to Austria as students, professionally, through marriage or as diplomats. Implementation of the project We apply for a permit from Caritas Vienna and Diakonie Wien to visit their asylum homes in Vienna. We contact (by phone/e-mail or in person) the asylum home staff to get to know the situation (problems and wishes) of the asylum seekers or those entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection. We collect this information and meet regularly (the members of "FME") in order to analyse this situation/situation of asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection in general. In a next step, we will go into more detail about the problems and wishes of each asylum seeker or person entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection in order to know his/her level of integration and to know how we can help him/her. Our visits will take place with a maximum of 12 members once a week (mainly on weekends). Project Team 

  • Joshua Trust Ntambwe PhD, FME Chairman, is leading the project. He works as an International Database Expert at UNIDO Vienna, is a Project Manager (Phd in Business Administration and Project Management), holds a Master's degree in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (International Peace and Humanitarian Peace Center of Spain, KALU). He is from Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo; and
  • Sonja Fließer, Austrian. FME Membership Management
  • Katharina Kwasnitzka Dipl.päd., Austrian, co-founder and treasurer of the FME association; for 15 years special education teacher in Vienna, music therapist in training.
  • Other members :
  • Mr. Elois Adji- for 16 years in Austria. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna and comes from the Ivory Coast.
  • Mr. Joseph Muhiri - in Austria for 17 years; he works at VAMED and studied at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences. He comes from Rwanda (formerly an asylum weaver).
  • Mr. Sandro Lombardi - in Austria for 3 years. He works as a kindergarten teacher at CIG. He comes from Italy.
  • Mrs. Ruth Premkuma - in Austria for 19 years, married to an Austrian. She has a child and is from India. She is a housewife at the moment.
  • Martin Krammer, Austrian. Student at the University of Vienna
  • Mrs. Eunice Stuhlhofer; in Austria for 23 years, married to an Austrian. She has two children. She is self-employed as a psychologist. She is from Kenya.
  • Mrs. Beverly Minor; for 2 years in Austria. She directs the choir "Sound of Joy". She comes from the USA.
  • Ms. Ingrid Altmueller, she is Austrian. She has been a German teacher for 11 years. She is studying education at the University of Vienna.
  • Karin Knal, she is Austrian. Social worker for 9 years.
  • Other members may be added to the project team.
  • The association is a young association and is actively looking for supporters.
  • We are in the process of appointing the board of directors of the association and reporting the chairman and treasurer to the Federal Police Directorate Vienna by October 2016.

 Timeline of the project The preparation period runs from the beginning of April (foundation of the association) until December 2016. The start of the project is planned from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2018. For the duration of the project, we envisage a period of 2 years. Local Environmment of the project The project is to be carried out in Caritas homes in 1030, 1080, 1100 and 1140 Vienna, as well as in refugee houses cared for by Diakonie in 1110, 1120, 1170 and 1090 Vienna. Utebock refugee houses in 1100 Vienna. 

Budget Paid services 

Tel. incl. Internet Online costCopying costs
Cost for 2 years (24 months)for 12pers.30*24 for 1pers.9,00*24*12 pers
Total Cost720,00€2 592,00€3 312,00€


StationeryIncidentalsGerman-language game materialInformation material/ Public Relations
Number of articles/ month2 Flip Chart (Forever)Papers, pen, etc 25 65 2 Rollups & Display
Number of articles/ 2years ( 24 months )2 Flip Chart25 *24 months          65 *24          Month2 Rollups & Display
Total Pricesfrom 400,00 from 600,00 € incl.1560,00 € incl.from 160,00 2 720,00€

 Material costsPaid services 

RentEventsDriving and driving Travelling expenses
Cost/month367,00€ incl.   Food, pen, etc             500               40
Cost/ 2 years ( 24 months )8.808,00€ incl. (367*24)      500 *4 Events 40 *24*12pers.            
Total Prices8.808,00€ incl.       2000                  11 520 22 328,00 

 Personnel costsPermanent Employees ( in )  

  • One employee for 2 years ( 24 months ) 20 hours per week (200 Euros/ W ), 800 Euros/month. For 24 months is 19 200,00 Euros. Profile: FME Activities Leader, General Project Activitieshe (she) she should have training in social or humanitarian aid and/or communication management. He/she must have a good command of German, both written and spoken. Other languages such as English or Arabic are beneficial. He/she must be innovative and collaborative.
  • Tasks: He/she will  take over the general correspondence of the association and the organization of its projects, as well as coordinate the communication with partners and the staff of the asylum houses/refugee houses in Vienna. In contact with the FME chairman and the board, he/she organizes the FME member meetings, writes the important points (minutes) during the meetings. He/she organizes the visits to the refugee homes. He/she organizes events of the association – prepares the program and calculates the budget. He/she carries out his/her work in contact with the FME chairman and board of directors and gives monthly reports to the board/team meeting.

 Freelancers (in) 

  • A freelancer for 2 years ( 24 months ). 5 hours per week (50 Euros/week), 200 Euros/ month. For 24 months is 4 800,00 Euro with possibility of extension.
  • Profile: German teacher and communication assistant, he (she) should have an education in German or in philosophy or in communication management. He/she must have a very good command of German spoken and written and be able to teach German. German as a mother tongue is an advantage. He/she should also speak other languages such as English, Arabic, or French. He/she must be innovative and collaborative. Tasks: He/she will teach in the German course during our visits to refugee homes. These are German courses or tutoring in German. He/she will bring game material in German at each visit. This will remain in the refugee home  and the asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection can deal with it in their free time and at the same time consolidate their language skills. He/she will also be the treasurer, carry out his/her duties in contact with the FME chairman and board team and give a monthly report in the board/team meeting.

 Total personnel costs for two employees from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2018 are: 24 000,00  € Total project costs: 52,360.00 Non-paid services Our team advantage ( 12 people ) : 

  • 55% of our team are Austrians, and we are looking for more Austrians to make our project successful. Currently, many asylum seekers from different countries come to Austria. Austrians are afraid of losing their culture, language, etc. It is also only the Austrians who can solve this situation with their positive attitude, because they know their culture, language, and the Austrian laws well and can thus contribute to an optimal integration of asylum seekers or those entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection in Austria.
  • 15% of our team are entitled to asylum, are active in their profession and have an impeccable criminal record. They know from their own experience how to improve the integration of asylum seekers in Austria. Successful examples of asylum seekers are very important for asylum seekers to do everything they can to respect Austrian law and women and stay in legality. 
  • 20% of our team are foreigners who came to Austria as students, professionally, through marriage or diplomacy. It is an advantage for asylum seekers or persons entitled to asylum/subsidiary protection to improve their integration within the framework of studies, personal relationships and work in Austria.

 We are a multicultural, multi-religious team and promote services in the spirit of humanity. As a team of people from different professions and with different experiences, we have social workers, music therapists, humanitarian workers, lawyers, kindergarten teachers, housewives (mothers) and doctors in our team. In total, our budget calculations come to  €52,360.00 excluding taxes and bank charges. It would be good if we could get the financing in the amount of € 53,000.00 for the project costs. Without financial support, this project cannot be carried out.

IPHD- Headquarter Executive team constitution

The headquarter Eecutive Team was constituate by

 A Chief Executive Officer, Dr NTAMBWE Joshua Trust

A Finance Executive Officer, MSc KWASNIZKA Kathariana 

A Social Affaire Officer, Ms MURHULA Francine

A Communication Officer, MSc PELVORAK Julia

A Secretary, Mr MAHAMUD

IPHD is registered in Austria as non government organzation since 2016 IPHD Regisration number 896385672

Creation of IFME-IPHD-International Promotion Human Development

IPHD-International was founded by Dr. NTAMBWE Joshua Trust, and Master of Science Ms Kathariana Kwasniztka in 2016, based in Vienna, Austria. 

Afterward come several co-founders and implemented the